6 прочтений · 1 год назад
Suicide Bridge
Chapter One It was night, and I was walking with a friend through the tunnel under the bridge. This path is illuminated by a row of six lanterns, and when we passed the first lantern, it suddenly went out. When we passed the second one, the second one also went out. All the lights went out when we passed all the lanterns. By the time we got to the end, there was complete darkness behind us. We couldn't understand why the lights suddenly started going out, I thought the batteries just ran out, but a friend said the opposite, something terrible is happening where we are. I asked. — What was going on here? I said and looked around, it seemed to me that someone was watching us...
19,3K просмотров · 3 года назад
179 прочтений · 3 года назад
Топ игр для слабо-средних пк с интересным сюжетом ( ч2)
Приветствую всех . В этой статье я хочу предложить вам ещё несколько игр которые затягивают именно своей сюжетной линией . Задумывались ли вы сколько игр выходит каждый месяц ? скажу вам так их выходит больше тысячи ...