Сеня рядом и Белла пришел. Былое
26-011 Говорение на тему: ‘What's the funniest thing you've ever heard someone say?’
Now I’m going to give a talk about the funniest thing I’ve ever heard someone say. In my childhood, I was in a stand-up comedy together with my mum. There were a lot of humourists, but I liked Zadornov most of all. He was speaking so hilariously, that I really thought that I could crack up with laughter. In conclusion, I would like to say that the funnies thing for me was to hear Zadornov in person. Что было самым смешным из того, что...
Bigfoot Stole My Wife by Ron Carlson
The problem is credibility. The problem, as I’m finding out over the last few weeks, is basic credibility. A lot of people look at me and say, sure Rick, Bigfoot stole your wife. It makes me sad to see it, the look of disbelief in each person’s eye. Trudy’s disappearance makes me sad, too, and I’m sick in my heart about where she may be and how he’s treating her, what they do all day, if she’s getting enough to eat. I believe he’s being good to her—I mean I feel it—and I’m going to keep hoping to see her again, but it is my belief that I probably won’t...