2 прочтения · 2 года назад
兄貴 (Aniki). Monster and άλφα (fantasy)
Real events, real characters. A story from life. The reality of which no one will ever believe. That’s why it’s a fantasy. All right, let’s make it fantasy… The book may seem uninteresting and non-dynamic at first. This was the case with my friends until they learned the real names of some of the characters. Then they reread the book again under a completely different impression. Can you guess — who is who — in this book? You’ll be amazed. And you won’t believe it. That’s why this book is in the fantasy genre, smiley...
24 просмотра · 7 месяцев назад
19 прочтений · 5 лет назад
Cameron Naasz - My Plans? Definetely to Become a 4-times World Champion.
Big thanks to Wake People River Spot! They have such a great and unique place for Wind Surfing, right in Moscow! If you are in Moscow by any chance, go on! Interview in Russian . ... What would you say to Donald Trump if you would meet him? To Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin? What would you say to Dmitriy Murlichkyn? If I will meet him? I would say, give me some money I dunno, he's got plenty. ... . Okay, Cameron, I have many questions for you. I look at you? Yeap, it's okay, we are already filming...