Сеня рядом и Белла пришел. Былое
What are the things that influence us th e most?
Очень часто мы действуем и принимаем решения не с помощью логики, а под воздействием одной вещи, про которую и пойдёт речь в этой статье. В статье будет представлен перевод фрагмента выступления Тони Роббинса, на котором он говорил на эту тему. The things that influence us the most, the things that affect the way you think, and feel, and live your life, and the actions you take and the results you get, most of what controls us are invisible forces. Think about it. The forces that have the most power to affect you tend to be invisible. Our goal this week is to make them visible and change them. Gravity...
Zhejiang adventure
I’ve always been scared of men and always felt insecure by them, giving the fact, that nearly 30% of women in the world at least once were abused by a man (according to WHO statistic), as well as there are many domestic violence cases in Russia too. This story is different though. This story is about something that I had never done before and wouldn’t advise anyone to do unless you know the person very well or, at least, you can read people well. I was invited by a Chinese man to his villa, which was placed in a tiny village in Zhejiang province...