Intro There is no doubt that ..... is a very important/popular part/step/period/choice/problem in/of people's life/modern world. .. As a part of my project .......(тема), I have found a table/chart containing some relevant data of the opinion polls and now I am going to comment on it. According to the information from the table/chart .....(кто отвечал) were offered 5 ....(types/ways, что предложено) and were to choose (the most important/their preferable/the most interesting...) one. (Делим на три группы по логике) It can be clearly seen, that ...
1. Буква h после w не произносится.
На п р и м е р :
What [wɔt)? — Что?
Where [wɛə]? — Где?
white [wait] — белый
2. Если существительное начинается с гласной буквы, то перед ним употребляется неопределённый артикль an [on]...