35 прочтений · 3 месяца назад
Постер моего фильма «HEIDEGGER» для международных кинофестивалей
Ladies and gentlemen! I am an independent filmmaker from St. Petersburg. In 1999 I participated in the Cannes Film Festival with a short film about Adolf Hitler's childhood "Der Linkshänder" ("Lefty", Cinefondation program), received prizes, press, but gravitated more towards literature and philosophy, publishing short stories, novels and treatises on theology. On 06.08.2024 I finished work on the movie Heidegger. I filmed it for four years without taking a penny from the government or business...
Curiosities of the Sky | Garrett P. Serviss | *Non-fiction, Science | Audio Book | English | 2/4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfjlKJkHnZU предположим, что это было возможно для мир загорится и сгорит suppose it were possible for the world to take fire and burn up as some , как думают некоторые пессимисты, когда божественный гнев достаточно pessimists think that it will do when the divine wrath shall have sufficiently накопится против него, никто из нашего маленького уголка космоса никогда не accumulated against it nobody out of our own little corner of space would ever be узнает о катастрофе во все свои телескопы астрономы, живущие в aware of the catastrophe with all their telescopes...