21 прочтение · 6 месяцев назад
YOU TELL ME или YOU ARE TELLING ME фразы с самыми частыми ошибками (Advanced)
Прежде чем мы разберем разницу между фразами, в которых часто допускают ошибки, давайте проверим свои знания. Можете ли Вы объяснить разницу между: amuse oneself with something • be amused by something amuse oneself with something — развлекать себя чем-то, чтобы не скучать. Чаще всего with с инструментами работает как творительный падеж в русском (чем? кем?), например, with a brush — кистью (чем?). The women amuse themselves with a game something like solitaire = Женщины развлекали себя игрой, похожей на пасьянс...
6 прочтений · 1 год назад
3 variations of «What Is Good And What Is Bad» Vladimir Mayakovsky (1925)
by Paddy Breslin Tiny toddler told his Dad: “I am puzzled so! What is good and what is bad? Answer if you know!” Secrets I will always shun— Nothing could be worse! All that Papa told his son I have put in verse. If the wind tears down the roofs, If the heavens spout, That is bad — why, even goofs Will not venture out. Sun has conquered rain and cold, Sun shines over all— That is good for young and old, Good for big and small. If the boy is black as pitch, If his face has dirt on, Then his skin is bound to itch— And that is bad for certain...