68 прочтений · 5 лет назад
Складывается ощущение, что лучшее кино о человеке в социуме сегодня - это португалоязычное кино. Легко представить местный сюжет о противостоянии пожилой женщины, победившей рак груди, со строительной компанией в американском кино - это будет как раз такая битва добра со злом на уровне глубины и пафоса унылого синопсиса. Легко представить российский вариант - «Левиафан» и определенный тон с экзистенциальными тревогами. Или корейский вариант - какая-то киноманская феерия вроде «Паразитов» (тем более...
20,5K просмотров · 3 года назад
1 прочтение · 2 года назад
The general forecast for all signs of the zodiac for the period of transit of Mercury in the sign of Aquarius! From February 12 to March 2, 2023! What awaits each sign of the zodiac during the transit of Mercury through the sign of Aquarius!? Look at the sign of the Ascendant and the sign of your Sun! (if you do not know the sign of the Ascendant, what it is and why it is needed, then write to me in DM and I will calculate it for you and tell you everything for free!) Aries ♈️ Your transit of Mercury will take place in the 11th house - this is the house of friends, the house of society, the house of the Internet, the house of fulfillment of desires. Basically, this transit has an impact on relationships with friends, like-minded people, guardians, sponsors, and higher officials. It can either strengthen communication with them or weaken, depending on other cosmic factors. Also, this transit affects psychological and sociological problems. At this time, the number of contacts with friends increases, the desire to exchange opinions and experiences, and discuss one's plans increases. New friends may appear, often younger in age. Or strike up a pen pal friendship. There is a sharp increase in interest in new information, especially unusual, for example, in occult knowledge, as well as interest in various kinds of social unions. A person can even become a member of one of them. Often at this time he attends popular science lectures or even offers to read them himself. A very favorable time for inventors, innovators, all sorts of innovations and improvements. Negative aspects warn against intentionally or unintentionally deceiving friends. You can become a victim of gossip, intrigue, fraud through the fault of friends. There may be bad news related to friends or the public organization to which the person belongs. The danger of wrong advice, the unreality of plans, vain hopes. The connections that arise at this time will be short-lived; you cannot rely on new friends. Often disagreements, quarrels with friends, patrons, sponsors, guardians, etc. Danger of slander and publicity. Of course, everyone has their own situation, but it will concern precisely the above areas. If you want to know your personal events for the month and for the year, then contact your private messages for advice. Happy transit of Mercury everyone!