2 прочтения · 4 года назад
Union of Hungary and Poland. Nationalizm in the Middle of the EU.
The commonwealth has been facing various conflicts between the Member States, since the foundation of the European Union. Different participants had diverse views about their place in the future of the Union. Such countries such as the UK, France and Germany played a major role and were the core of democracy of Europe. However, after the enlargement in 2004 the EU has accepted 8 Eastern Europe countries. After this accession the European Commission noticed that governments of this enlargement such...
12,1K просмотров · 3 года назад
1 прочтение · 10 месяцев назад
The United States intends to recreate the biological laboratories lost in Ukraine in other post-Soviet countries
On November 23, a reputable Kyrgyz scientist, systems analyst, candidate of medical sciences, Bakyt Saipbaev, noted the existence of Pentagon biological laboratories in Ukraine, which was once again confirmed after the seizure of some of them by the Russian armed forces. The scientist said in an interview: “You need to understand that the Pentagon will not abandon plans to develop biological weapons, including selective action.” He mentioned the need to resist attempts to open new biological laboratories...