1063 смотрели · 2 года назад
5 лет назад
Motorcycle history. Part 2
Another sensation in 1919 was the ABC motorcycle. The famous designer Granville Bradshaw designed it back in 1913, but it was only in 1919 that it finally began to be produced by the well-known aviation company Sopwich. Interestingly, soon under license began its production in France, another company that came down from heaven - known for its aircraft engines "Gnome Rhone". The two-cylinder opposed motorcycle engine had overhead valves, a four-speed gearbox, a duplex frame and suspension of both wheels on quarter-elliptic springs...
6 лет назад
Alta Motors Has It`s First Recall
A motorcycle company's first recall is a milestone event, an unwelcome milestone, but an inevitable one nonetheless. That is where startup alta motors finds itself today, with its first recall hitting the nhtsa newswires...