47 подписчиков
Everything was so stupid and banal as, indeed, always with humanity. A lot of people have always opposed the ruin and excessive consumption of data resources in the image of the earth, but people continued to create what they are used to ... I do not blame people for their weaknesses, I just tried as always to avoid the inevitable, but it turned out that, that we were just trying to delay the death of the universe. From time immemorial, we were given the opportunity to try to observe all the rules, precisely those rules that could make our life eternal, but ...
6 лет назад
серьезные научные ответы на абсурдные Гипотетические вопросы Рэндалла Монро serious scientific answers to absurd hypothetical questions by randall monroe эту книгу читает Уилл Уитон this book is read by will wheaton отказ от ответственности не пытайтесь ничего из этого дома disclaimer do not try any of this at home автор этой книги интернет карикатурист, не эксперт по здоровью или безопасности the author of this book is an internet cartoonist not a health or safety expert ему нравится, когда что-то загорается или взорваться, что означает, что у него нет he likes it when things catch fire or...
2 года назад
3 подписчика
Roughly 135 million people worldwide are suffering from acute hunger, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on supply chains and income is expected to more than double by the end of the year. Food insecurity has hit Africa the hardest, with three of its countries facing starvation. Reliance on unsustainable agricultural practices is depleting the land of nutrients, increasing pollution, and degrading water and soil quality. These inefficient and damaging farming practices, combined with Africa's rapidly growing population, are placing the continent at risk in terms of future food security...
2 года назад
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGoCBAo9N_g&list=PLf6I3xl0LT8lr14BmKoJZbku1OBmUzvdD&index=34 глава 1 бесконечное разнообразие нетрудно обнаружить неизвестное животное chapter 1 the infinite variety it's not difficult to discover an unknown animal провести день в тропических лесах Южной Америки to spend a day in the tropical forests of South America переворачивая бревна глядя под кору просеивая влажный опад turning over logs looking at beneath bark sifting through the moist litter of листьев а потом вечером светя ртутной лампой на белом экране и leaves followed by an evening shining a mercury...
2 года назад