«Work And Labour In Canada: Critical Issues» This original and timely book focuses on critical issues surrounding work and labour in Canada. It is an ideal core or additional text for Sociology of Work courses, which often integrate labour, industry, and the global economy from a Canadian perspective. This book will also be relevant to a wide range of courses in Labour Studies and Industrial Relations programs across Canada. As well, policy makers and labour activists will be keenly interested in this new book. The thesis is change.Work and Labour in Canada examines changes in the labour market, and in workplaces, with a strong empirical component based upon recent Statistics Canada data. The chapters are tailored to an undergraduate audience. They are masterfully written from a labour perspective that is, concerned with the impacts of changes on workers but also written on the basis of empirical evidence with supporting summaries of the academic research literature. The material is up-to-the-minute and logically organized. The first section, a well-rounded introduction to the Canadian workplace, discusses why jobs are important; work, wages, and the living standards of Canadian working people; taking life-long learning seriously; and the unhealthy Canadian workplace. The second main part is devoted to gender and race inequalities specifically, women in the workforce, minorities in the workforce, and older workers in transition to retirement. (Minorities includes workers of colour and recent immigrants, Aboriginal Canadians, and persons with disabilities.) Contemporary Canadian unions are also discussed at length, which helps to set the stage for the final section: Canada in a global perspective. The impacts of globalization and Free Trade are analysed. Key issues revisited throughout the book include good jobs/bad jobs, family struggles, unemployment, women and work, race/ethnicity and work, as well as Canada in a comparative, global context. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Work And Labour In Canada: Critical Issues. Напишите свою рецензию о книге «Work And Labour In Canada: Critical Issues» http://izbe.ru/book/98029-work-and-labour-in-canada-critical-issues/
Привет, друзья! Сегодня расскажу вам забавную историю о том, как самый продвинутый ИИ от Anthropic решил устроить себе перерыв прямо посреди важной презентации. Да-да, такое тоже бывает! Представьте ситуацию: идет серьезная демонстрация возможностей нового Claude 3.5 Sonnet, все в предвкушении... И тут наш электронный друг решает, что ему наскучило писать код и... отправляется любоваться фотографиями Йеллоустона! Прямо как капризный подросток, честное слово 😅 А в другой раз он и вовсе "случайно" остановил запись экрана - видимо, решил, что хватит с него славы на сегодня. Узнаю себя на совещаниях,...