22 прочтения · 6 лет назад
The fan is so cool played on stage with the Foo Fighters that singer stepped in front of him on his knees.
During a concert in Austin , the popular American rock band Foo Fighters, vocalist Dave Grohl invited a fan on stage, whose face was painted by a member of the band Kiss. The guy picked up a guitar with a vocalist and played the song "Monkey Wrench" is not worse than the leader of the group! When the song came to an end, Grohl stood in front of him on his knees and bowed several times. Unknown at the time the young man added some of his signature solo, which the audience and musicians were thrilled...
1 прочтение · 4 года назад
Весь мир театр
"Весь мир – театр, а все мы лишь актеры" ("All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women, merely Players") – утверждал классик. Как и актеры на сцене, мы отличаемся друг от друга талантом и мастерством. В жизни, как и на сцене, успех в значительной степени зависит от соответствия характера школе мастерства (профессии). Психотехника актеров по системам К.С. Станиславского и М.А. Чехова далека от традиционной, где актеры, как и большинство из нас в жизни, воплощают задумки гениев. Как система Станиславского, так и Чехова – сами формируют творцов художественных образов...