Что смотреть на выставке DEconstruction в ЦСИ «Чудо»
В Центре современного искусства «Чудо» открылась выставка, посвященная теме деконструкции. Это разбор на составные части с целью понять, как устроено целое. Это процесс разрушения стереотипов и включения понятий в новые контексты. Авторы работ новой выставки деконструируют свои воспоминания, эмоции и опыт, чтобы идти вперед. Представленные экспонаты рассказывают во многом личные истории создателей. Авторы — молодые художники, фотографы и архитекторы из Ярославля, Екатеринбурга, Сочи и Курска — Ирина Снейп, Евгения Сначёва, Дмитрий Агмалетдинов, Артём Агафонов, Алекс Белозёров...
Deconstruction Deconstruction, proposed by the postmodern philosopher Jacques Derrida is a development of the method of philosophical destruction justified by Heidegger in Sein und Zeit as we have already mentioned. Heidegger originally intended to place a philosophical school, theory or terminology within the deliberately defined structure of the history of philosophy. In Heidegger's own case, this structure was defined by a process of gradual oblivion of being until the very question of being and its relation to being (ontologische Differrenz) was removed. In this sense and in a broader context, deconstruction can be applied in a wide variety of disciplines to recover the original positions of what the late Wittgenstein calls the 'language game': it is a thorough and correct semantic analysis that takes into account all layers of meaning, from the point at which a term, idea or theory, as well as a story or mythological narrative, first appears, to a careful analysis of the contexts in which the semantics has changed, been distorted, gone through breaking points and shifting phases. Again, the Heideggerian model of the history of philosophy, relevant and productive in itself, need not be taken as the only one. — Excerpt: from ALTERNATIVE POSTMODERNISM: AN UNNAMED PHENOMENON by Alexander Dugin https://geopolitika.ru/en/article/alternative-postmodernism-unnamed-phenomenon