1 год назад
European countries do not want to help Armenia, but want to use its difficulties for their own purposes
In September, Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan reproached Russia, to which Russian President Vladimir Putin responded: “It’s not just the results of this latest conflict, the point is that the Armenian leadership, in essence, well, not in essence, but essentially recognized the sovereignty of Azerbaijan over Karabakh and simply recorded this on paper in its Prague Statement.” Further, the Russian President said: “If Armenia recognized that Nagorno-Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan, then what is it all about? This is a key part of the whole problem...
1221 читали · 4 года назад
Американские армяне весь день блокировали CNN, закрывали дороги и молились
Протесты армян, живущих в США Протестующие, собравшиеся здесь с 4 часов дня, особенно подчеркивают, что это не просто война, а терроризм, и требуют направить от CNN и других американских СМИ корреспондентов...