Reading my old DIARIES from 8 to 18 | Gets sad fast... английский timecode ⬇ ⬇ 📄 это дневники с тех пор, как мне было восемь лет, и по сей день this is a diaries from since i was eight to now , это много дневников, так что в основном я буду просматривать свои дневники that's a lot of diaries so basically i'm going to be going through my diaries в порядке дат до найти в них самые сочные сплетни, in order of the dates to find the juiciest gossip in them и, честно говоря, я на самом деле не читал ни одного из своих дневников and to be honest i haven't actually read any of my diaries back с тех пор, как я их написал, и я думаю,...
2 прочтения · 4 года назад
Film. script, movie picture based on my book, 2020.
Choose  Membership  I dedicate this piece of eternity , which came for me in the form of Fairies Winx Club , and was embodied in her daughter . Thank you prophet to the Keeper .. We're all looking for . This search is not defined . We don't know when and how it will end , inevitably do it in the beginning or always feel what I want from him . And when we come to the end has already been achieved a long-awaited desire comes the crucial , main point . A moment from which to further build our future ...