30 прочтений · 1 год назад
True Crime: Streets of LA — неизвестный нуар-шедевр в жанре криминальных игр
Введение: True Crime: Streets of LA, выпущенная в 2003 году компанией Luxoflux и опубликованная Activision, является настоящей жемчужиной в жанре криминальных игр. Революционная приключенческая игра с открытым миром отправляет игроков в захватывающее путешествие по захудалому Лос-Анджелесу. True Crime: Streets of LA с захватывающей сюжетной линией, увлекательной игровой механикой и динамичным изображением преступления и правосудия — это вечная классика, которая продолжает очаровывать игроков по всему миру...
1 месяц назад
«Looking At Los Angeles» Jane Brown, Craig Krull Loved, hated, revered, scorned, real, imagined: this is Los Angeles. Looking at Los Angeles is a fascinating journey into the center of the city"s heart and soul. Pictured within its pages is a Los Angeles of powerful dreams and startling realities. Editors Marla Hamburg Kennedy and Ben Stiller have gathered pictorial representations of Los Angeles from the last three-quarters of a century, resulting in this selection of more than 200 stunning, beautifully reproduced color and duotone depictions of the city from different eras and different points of view. Along with the carefully chosen images by approximately 100 photographers who have time again turned to Los Angeles for inspiration, a preface and foreword by the editors describe their great affection for the city, while David L. Ulin"s essay offers a critical and loving look at Los Angeles. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the Los Angeles Conservancy, and the organization provides an essay about the importance of saving this city"s rich architectural heritage. Looking at Los Angeles is at once a lesson in history, architecture, style, and culture, and a remarkable visual and written tribute to one of America"s greatest cities. Includes photographs by: Robert Adams, John Baldessari, William Claxton, Will Connell, Joe Deal, John Divola, William Eggleston, Sam Fentress, Anthony Friedkin, John Humble, Dennis Keeley, Florian Maier-Aichen, Grant Mudford, Karin A. Mueller, Catherine Opie, Ed Ruscha, Stephen Shore, Julius Schulman, Joel Sternfeld, Timothy Street-Porter, John Swope, Andy Warhol, Julian Wasser, Robert Weingarten, Garry Winogrand, Max Yavno, and others. L.A. is a city not easily categorized (though easily maligned), and these artists have captured its complex strata--the surreal urban nightmare, the endless expanse of surburbia, and the oasis of palm trees and beach. Truly and inarguably, Los Angeles is a place of paradox, of complexity and contradiction. It is one of the world"s greatest metropolises, and it is unique. Edited by Marla Kennedy and Ben Stiller, with Jane Brown and Craig Krull. Essay by David L. Ulin and the Los Angeles Conservancy. Hardcover, 14 x 11 in./250 pgs / 113 color and 110 duotones. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Looking At Los Angeles (Jane Brown, Craig Krull). Напишите свою рецензию о книге Jane Brown, Craig Krull «Looking At Los Angeles» https://izbe.ru/book/388293-looking-at-los-angeles-jane-brown-craig-krull/