19,3K просмотров · 3 года назад
4 прочтения · 5 лет назад
Fun and laughter from the book pages
Today we will talk about books for children, which are called funny or funny. They are both intelligent and instructive. Reading them, children empathize with their heroes and have fun laughing at them and with them. These books are sure to cheer you up. To laugh because you read a funny story is a real pleasure. Fun and laughter from the book pages Instead of introduction It seems that any children's book is a humor, a smile, and a fantasy. Especially if the book is aimed at young children – toddlers and preschoolers...
5 лет назад
Why a sense of shame only spoils the child, and not educates him
Hello! You are on the channel All or nothing, thanks for reading me! Glad to see you and enjoy reading! The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author. From shame, I want to fall through the earth, evaporate, disappear. They burn to the ground with shame and turn into stone. And, as you might guess, a person is ready for a lot, just to not feel anything like it. Especially when you are a small child and have a poor understanding of what is expected of you. Shame is one of the easiest and most effective ways to make a child obey...