13 прочтений · 5 лет назад
Wolf's legacy.1.
Greetings my dear reader! Make yourself at home. I really hope that my stories will help you escape from the problems and immerse yourself in the wonderful world of my fantasies. Description The White Wolf from the first film was the most mysterious and mystical element. Unknown and inexplicable. His identity has not been established, as well as the identity of the wolf and the dog, whose union gave birth to the protagonist. Let us ponder and disclose it, relying on the words of the people involved in the creation and on the facts from the animated films themselves...
10 прочтений · 5 лет назад
Wolf's legacy.2.
Greetings my dear reader! Make yourself at home. I really hope that my stories will help you escape from the problems and immerse yourself in the wonderful world of my fantasies. And now let's move on to the most delicious. Keep in mind the fact that at the time of the creation of Wolf Quest, Phil Weinstein, who shot the sequel and triquel, did NOT see the first film. And the most delicious thing with us is, of course, the White Wolf and the origin of the protagonist Bolto. Hell, sometimes...