660 читали · 6 лет назад
Великий император Сюаньюань / Xuan Yuan: The Great Emperor [2016]
Довольно часто в разговоре, желая отметить факт несоразмерной древности цивилизаций, говорю, мол, всё это уже давно китайцами придумано, пока ваши/наши предки по лесам бегали. Так вот, фильм о том времени, когда китайцы еще сами по лесам - горам - равнинам бегали. И о первом объединении нескольких многочисленных племен под началом легендарного правителя Хуанди ("Жёлтый Император"), который считается также основателем даосизма и первопредком всех китайцев. Хотя и не он один. Предводителем другого...
5 лет назад
He married the empress of the 60-year-old mother, and was the confidant of the Taiping Princess.
He married the empress of the 60-year-old mother and was the confidant of the Taiping Princess. After the rent, he was killed by Emperor Xuanzong! During the feudal society, the courtiers regarded the emperor's marriage as a great glory. Even if the other party to the marriage was not a royal family member such as a princess or a prince, they would accept it with pleasure and hold a grand wedding. After all, they can get ninety-five. There are very few people who personally appoint a marriage, but there are always exceptions. In the Tang Dynasty, when a minister was given a marriage, he was very unhappy, but he did not dare to openly refuse...