20,5K просмотров · 1 год назад
4 недели назад
Создано на основе запроса: A stage design sketch for Gogol's The Overcoat, set in an opera house. Piles of files and papers are scattered around, with cluttered work desks. A large clock face dominates the back center of the stage. A few stage lights hang from the ceiling. --- Автоперевод: Эскиз декорации к опере Гоголя «Шинель», действие которой происходит в оперном театре. Интересно вышло? 🤔 https://dzen.ru/id/65c0c65c86e4f837c27b24d7 #ИИ #AI #нейросеть #midjourney #art
4K просмотров · 2 месяца назад
2 месяца назад
«The Overcoat and Other Short Stories» Nikolai Gogol Gogol"s stories are admired for their skillful mingling of fantasy and reality, quiet good humor and use of mundane details - as Gogol put it - `to extract the extraordinary from the ordinary.` Imaginative and timeless, they remain as fresh and significant today as they were to readers generations ago. This rich selection of four short stories by the great 19th-century Russian author of Dead Souls includes `The Nose,` a savage satire of incompetent bureaucrats and the snobbery and complacency of the Russian upper classes; `Old-Fashioned Farmers,` a sketch depicting an elderly couple who live a happy but simple life in rustic seclusion; `The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarrelled with Ivan Nikiforovich,` one of Gogol"s most famous comic stories; and `The Overcoat,` an exceptionally moving tale - considered a masterpiece of the form - about a poor and much-ridiculed St. Petersburg official. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Overcoat and Other Short Stories (Nikolai Gogol). Напишите свою рецензию о книге Nikolai Gogol «The Overcoat and Other Short Stories» https://izbe.ru/book/361993-the-overcoat-and-other-short-stories-nikolai-gogol/