3 года назад
CHAPTER 4. Ascension
CHAPTER 4. Ascension We spent Sasha's vacation, which took place at the very end of the summer, with his parents in Ust-Donetsk. Having a asked about locations, rich with blackberry, we went there by bus. Sasha came from Oryol and looked unusual, full of determination to fight for me which seemed to be unprecedented. He wanted to help in all my "quirks". A whole blackberry plantation was located almost next to the road, near the river: it was full of low, barely risen after June mowing and tall bushes covered with black and bluish berries...
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Хижина угрюмого Мононоке\Угрюмый заклинатель духов
«Готов ли ты, человек, душу положить на службе ёкаям?» Немного и сюжете: Ханаэ Ашия(Асия?) первогодка старшей школы. Накануне начала учёбы на него запрыгнула меховушка, белая с 3 хвостами. И он сразу стал терять силы, но ездока никто не видел...