The sound of the park
Mrs. Johnson told her off again. Today she was furious! Mary hated the musical school. She couldn’t play the piano, she hated learning musical notes, she couldn’t stand the angry rebukes from the teacher, who seemed to be criticizing her all the time! She burst into tears and left the building of the musical school. -I will never play the piano again, - thought Mary, - I will tell Mom to throw it off the balcony! She came up to an oak tree in the park and, while still crying, looked up. She saw a beautiful spring sky...
3 года назад
The Alan Parsons Project "Eye In The Sky" Blu-ray 5.1: Всевидящее око. Может, Будды, а может, и Брата.
Альбом с пророческим названием, великолепной музыкой и многоканальным миксом. The Alan Parsons Project - Eye In The Sky (делюкс, который тот самый - наш!) Писать эту рецензию мне нелегко ввиду особого...