74 прочтения · 4 года назад
Что такое "дунхуа", и с чем его едят?
Первое моё знакомство с этим "словом" произошло после того, как я увидела на вершине всех рейтингов аниме "Магистра дьявольского культа". Как истинная ценительница всего эстетического и прекрасного, я...
1 прочтение · 5 лет назад
Xiao Yao Xin Xing "The Divine Sword of Chaos" Chapter 3
Everything was written in a very simple and understandable way. But only one thing embarrassed me was that the title here did not coincide with the plot. How can the name of the fight be related to the country of fruit? Sunday. Today will mean a lot in my life. A whole story has happened to me, which I will tell you now. We went to the chocolate café as a family. It was just a stone's throw from home. The cafe wasn't big. It was just five tables in the middle. To their right, there was a special table for the waiter...