2 прочтения · 5 лет назад
Amrita is that the drink of immortality
There is associate degree nonpareil Mount Meru on earth, reflective the shine of the sun with all its peaks burning with gold. It's on the far side the reach of sinful individuals, even in their thoughts. Terrible beasts wander through it, rattling plants blossom thereon. Birds nest on her trees. Countless years past, the gods weakened from heaven to Meru and started to gauge and traffic jam concerning life, previous diseases, and death, that even celestials cannot avoid. Since everything was therefore...
Great Alone Audiobook | Part 1 | best audiobooks 2021 аудиокнига час английского timecode ⬇ ⬇ 📄
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyECR-QMoBs&list=PLXVbh5OxCb9LKD5bgQTwDG9i3KRNKUqp3 природа никогда не обманывает нас, это всегда мы обманываем себя nature never deceives us it is always we who deceive ourselves жан-жак руссо jean-jacques rousseau 1974 1974 one тот весенний дождь шел сильными порывами, которые сотрясали крыши, that spring rain fell in great sweeping gusts that rattled the rooftops water вода проникала в мельчайшие щели и подрывала самые прочные фундаменты. found its way into the smallest cracks and undermined the sturdiest foundations поколения падали, как груды шлака,...