7 прочтений · 2 года назад
兄貴 (Aniki). Хроники зверя. Монстр и άλφα. Книга 3. Молчание άλφα-уровня
18+. Тег: абсолютно насилие. Intro This creature is currently unparalleled. Even in the long history of the world, there have been few like it. It walks the Earth in human form. And it can appear anywhere in the universe in less than a second. Staying in many places at once. If necessary. Having passed all the stages of polishing required for certification in the visible world, the creature was granted the right to incarnate destinies. Pleased to meet you. I am the beast. The Killer. The recent history...
20,6K просмотров · 3 года назад