5 прочтений · 5 лет назад
The very first cartoons in the world
Children and adults today do not imagine their lives without cartoons. But once mankind did not know what cartoons are. Animation appeared in the nineteenth century, and the plots of these films were very "adults". The first children's cartoon created the world's most famous cartoonist Walt Disney. In our review, we will talk about the very first steps in the cartoon world. "Enchanted Drawing" - the very first drawn cartoon. The author and director of this two-minute drawing film is Stuart Blackton...
4 месяца назад
Создано на основе запроса: The most beautiful cartoon, kitty from Disney World. white super soft fur that is short on her she is slim of physical so shw is tiny and grey happy adorable cat, she has glowing neon lighted big green eyes and has cute long eyelashes, she is holding the number 8 in icy blue sparkly iridescent colour she is in fluffy colourful pillow heaven and she has a huge proud smile she is so happy. She is with a diamond tiara the most beautiful tiny cutest adorable magical cat on a flying iridescent mint green blanket with yellow decorations she is a princess most loving cat created --- Автоперевод: Самый красивый мультик, котик из Мира Диснея. Как тебе эта генерация? 🤔 https://dzen.ru/id/65c0c65c86e4f837c27b24d7 #ИИ #AI #нейросеть #midjourney #art