10,9K прочтений · 5 лет назад
Боруто: Новое Поколение Наруто - семейные узы
Список персонажей Боруто: Новое Поколение Наруто будет пополняться Боруто: Новое Поколение Наруто - продолжение знаменитого сериала, про мальчика, который хотел стать Хокаге. Наруто наконец-то добился своей цели и мечту свою исполнил...
1 прочтение · 3 года назад
Hi guys! if you watched the boruto anime, then in the very first episode we see boruto and kawaki against the background of the destroyed konoha. boruto and kawaki start the fight. anime ends when they are 12-14 years old. I assume that it is the dead otsutsuki that destroyed konoha and that kawaki, as a sibling, is trying to evacuate it. but boruto disagrees, he says that he will not leave here, since he is the last shinobi. Well, this is where my theory ends, we will probably find out the truth only in saruto, which may be released soon ....