5 лет назад
How to sit on the twine at home
Flexibility, grace and beauty - all these are integral companions of a good stretch! In addition, a good sprain of the ligaments and muscles only contributes to the achievement of sports results in strength training. One indicator of good stretching is the ability to sit on the twine. To do this is not so easy, but quite possible. It is only necessary to observe a number of simple rules. Twine is performed in various sports: dancing, figure skating, gymnastics, sports aerobics, martial arts, synchronized swimming, yoga...
4 года назад
Makota (Free!)
Love Misunderstood The part of Makota in the aquatic saga remains somewhat mysterious, mostly due to everybody's obsession with Rin – Haru relationship. It goes without saying that Makota is romantically in love with his friend Haru...