337 прочтений · 5 лет назад
Sex, Lies, and Violence in the Films about Teachers and Students
The image of the teacher in the cinema, the context of sexuality Heterosexual risks on the screen Very often heterosexual risks on the Western screens lie in wait for teachers of secondary and high school. Usually, it is referred to situations of real and false seduction. In this respect both teachers and students can be shown as heterosexual seducers. The drama Risky Business (Les risques du metier, France, 1967) is one of bright examples of false sexual seduction / contact. Here a provincial teacher became a victim of false accusation of sexual harassment of three school students under age...
1 месяц назад
«From The Attic Of Civilization: Rembrandt And His Biblical Art» Dr Leonard S Girsh From the Attic of Civilization can best be described by quoting a reviewer: 5 out of 5 stars "Dr. Girsh has a wonderful grasp of the complex nuances of Rembrandt"s works, tying together Biblical references to other important figures in history. He shines light on hidden concepts that eludes even the most analytical of readers. A strong theme of "the origin of thought" branching into many subjects: languages, human thinking and behavior. Truly a masterpiece!" The book also serves as a guide to the paintings in exhibition form enabling readers to enjoy the reproductions of great masterpieces of European art on Biblical themes, from Genesis to Deuteronomy. These are artistic interpretations of scenes in Genesis: Creation, Noah and the Flood, Abraham and the Binding of Isaac, Jacob Blessing His Sons, and Joseph. Rembrandt, Poussin, Rubens and West are but a few of these prominent artists represented in From the Attic of Civilization. For example, Rembrandt"s masterpiece, "Isaac and Rebecca", sensitively depicts the love that Isaac had for his wife, Rebecca. The Biblical scenes are depicted by these classical artists whose art is part of our cultural evolution. From the Attic of Civilization has been honored by being sold at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the National Gallery of Art in Scotland. This book has been presented in exhibition format throughout the country and has been very well received. To quote a visitor present at an exhibition, "We were treated to a "feast for our eyes" with some of the greatest Biblical art ever produced." Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге From The Attic Of Civilization: Rembrandt And His Biblical Art (Dr Leonard S Girsh). Напишите свою рецензию о книге Dr Leonard S Girsh «From The Attic Of Civilization: Rembrandt And His Biblical Art» https://izbe.ru/book/406317-from-the-attic-of-civilization-rembrandt-and-his-biblical-art-dr-leonard-s-girsh/