14 прочтений · 5 лет назад
Byzantium: fate and place in history
The fate of Byzantium still excites the minds in Russia. Those who think about the past and future of their own country, sooner or later inevitably turn to the ancient Eastern Empire - in search of answers to various questions, in an attempt to build analogies, in an effort to see in its experience the pros and cons that would be consonant with today's Russia , perhaps, would help in its movement along the historical path. The reason is clear - very much connects us to this “titanic” who has long...
1 прочтение · 5 лет назад
History of the Empire
Ancient Rome refers to the rise from the 9th century BC in the middle of the Italian peninsula (that is, the Apennine Peninsula) civilization, ancient Rome has experienced the Roman Empire (753 ~ 509 years ago), the Roman Republic (509 ~ 27 years ago), the Roman Empire (27 ~ 476/1453) three stages. From the 3rd century B.C. to the 2nd century B.C., Rome fought three wars with Carthage, the western Mediterranean power, for the hegemony of the Mediterranean, plundering of resources and slaves. In the 2nd century BC, Rome became the overlord of the Mediterranean...