7 прочтений · 3 года назад
Вob the hedgehog
Mary was at her wonderful dacha. She was in love with summer, her bicycle and a green house she built in the bushes. She used to hide from her granny in this green property of hers when she wanted to play hide and seek. But that day she was really scared when she entered her green kingdom and saw a big hedgehog, staring at her. The animal looked sad. Mary wanted to run away but suddenly the hedgehog started speaking: -Hi, Mary. Don’t be afraid of me. I won’t hurt you, - said the hedgehog. -You know my name? - Mary was surprised...
60 прочтений · 2 года назад
Bob abd Rose
Bob and Rose are English children. Bob is fifteen. Rose is fourteen. They are brother and sister. They go to school. Bob goes to a boys’ school and Rose goes to a girls’ school. The children’s schools are not far from home. At school Bob learns English and German. Rose learns English and French. Bob and Rose have a lot of books at home. They have English, German and French books. Rose is a very good pupil. She always works hard. She reads a lot of books. She always does all her exercises. She always helps her mother at home...