1 год назад
Who Framed Black Rabbit?
🎬Well, being equipped with the very essentials of the genetics, the readers are now ready to absorb, understand, and capture the main ideas of the case Who Framed Black Rabbit or the Story of Hermann Göring. Surprisingly, I start to tell the story of Hermann Göring, and monstrous atrocities in the death camps, from the beginning, which is suddenly, at first sight, was not directly occurred in the epoch of the Nazi Germany.  Approximately in the last decades, in Russia has appeared a man, introducing himself as a great-grandson of great Russian writer, count Leo Tolstoy...
467 читали · 5 лет назад
Bloody Bunny the first blood\анимация
Обзор на bloody Bunny. Отличная анимация которую я однажды нашел на ютубе. Хочу что бы про нее знало больше людей. Пишите комментарии скажу как ее найти.