39,6 тыс смотрели · 3 года назад
What is Noomakhia? (Serbia 2018) - Alexander Dugin
The title Noomakhia, which literally means “war of the mind” [intellect, nous] – and which can also be conceived of as “war within the mind,” “war of minds,” or even “war against the mind” – is intended to emphasize the conflictual nature of logoi structures as well as the multiplicity of noetic fields, in each of which surprises, conflicts, aporias, struggles, contradictions, and opposition lie in wait for us. The field of thinking is the field of warfare: thoughts wage ceaseless wars not only against phenomenality, matter, and their own reorganization into elements...
23 часа назад
Псалом 66, Кафизма 9 Псалтирь Давида
1 Начальнику хора. На струнных орудиях. Псалом. Песнь. 2 Боже! будь милостив к нам и благослови нас, освети нас лицем Твоим, 3 дабы познали на земле путь Твой, во всех народах спасение Твое. 4 Да восхвалят Тебя народы, Боже; да восхвалят Тебя народы все. 5 Да веселятся и радуются племена, ибо Ты судишь народы праведно и управляешь на земле племенами...