5 лет назад
There's a king in every corner. Part 1
Through the narrow windows of the throne room rays of the dazzling sun flowed, and falling on the jewelry and metal, shone with all the colors of the rainbow. When Tyrion Lannister squinting, he got up from his chair and the noise in the hall stopped immediately. Everyone was waiting. - Greetings to you, Lords and Ladies. - After a little coughing, he turned to all the Hand, leaving his piercing eyes on those present. His wrinkled face was not a shadow of a smile, his hands were glued together in a castle, and his whole posture expressed sorrow...
2917 читали · 3 года назад
Красочные фан-комиксы по Beastars от Эден
Это наверное самая долгоиграющая история о том, как я искала автора комиксов. Впервые я наткнулась на этот комикс в социальных сетях, но авторство указано не было: Яркие краски, милые персонажи... зацепила меня эта история...