3 прочтения · 1 год назад
Фильмы с осенним настроением на английском🍁
Autumn In New York🍁 This romantic drama follows the tragic love story of a terminally ill young woman and a middle-aged restauranteur during Autumn in New York City.  Practical Magic🔮 Starring Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman, two sisters are born into a magical family who have tried their best to avoid witchcraft. When one of their boyfriends dies unexpectedly, the Owen sisters give dark magic a try, but their same spell threatens to end their family line. Knives Out🔪 Following in the...
5 прочтений · 6 месяцев назад
English text abot autumn/ Текст на английском языке про осень
Autumn is an amazing and unforgettable time. At this time, nature changes colors. During the sweltering summer heat, the trees and grasses had time to get tired. They turned from juicy green to yellow and red. Nature has been transformed, it has begun to play with new colors. It's getting fresh and cool on the streets. It rains occasionally. No wonder creative people often describe autumn as the most romantic time. At this time, people observe the withering of nature, prepare for prolonged frosts, and enjoy the last fine days...