7 месяцев назад
«Secrets of a Leadership Coach 3 Developing Others Manual and CD: The Coaching and Leadership Techniques of Marshall Goldsmith, Illustrated with Video, ... Teambuilding, For Every Manager and » Daniel, M.D. Farb Book DescriptionThis title is part of the UniversityOfHealthCare/ UniversityOfBusiness Interactive Training Library, which offers authoritative, clearly written material in an interactive form for better comprehension and documentation of completion. Themanual accompanying the CD provides a summary of the major points of the CD in a handy format. Secrets of a Leadership Coach is a premium leadership training series that brings the wisdom of one of America"s top CEO coaches to every employee and manager.The series has hundreds of video clips, role plays, and animations. It will result in better leadership, personal interactions, and team-building. Upon the completion of Secrets of a Leadership Coach 3 Developing Others (number 3 in the series), you willbe able to recognize when behavioral coaching will work, assess when behavioral coaching will not work, list the steps in the coaching process, describe how to involve key stakeholders, select supportive coaches, use an experiential activity for feedforward, and perform follow-up and mini-survey. Upon the completion of this course, you will be able to identify why team building is important, analyze the steps in the team-building process, illustrate examples of team areas for behavioral change, describe individual areas for behavioral change, and describe communication methods for follow-up. 150 pages on CD and 20 in the manual. You must have Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher running on your computer. Supported operating systems are Windows 95, 98, 98 SE, ME, 2000, or XP. You will need Internet access to e-mail us your unique key and receive a password key. License is for one user on one computer. An additional computer owned by the same user will generally be approved at the discretion of the publisher. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Secrets of a Leadership Coach 3 Developing Others Manual and CD: The Coaching and Leadership Techniques of Marshall Goldsmith, Illustrated with Video, ... Teambuilding, For Every Manager and (Daniel, M.D. Farb). Напишите свою рецензию о книге Daniel, M.D. Farb «Secrets of a Leadership Coach 3 Developing Others Manual and CD: The Coaching and Leadership Techniques of Marshall Goldsmith, Illustrated with Video, ... Teambuilding, For Every Manager and » https://izbe.ru/book/365989-secrets-of-a-leadership-coach-3-developing-others-manual-and-cd-the-coaching-and-leadership-techniques-of-marshall-goldsmith-illustrated-with-video-teambuilding-for-every-manager-and-daniel-m-d-farb/
135 читали · 2 года назад
Компания Coach - производитель аксессуаров и украшений класса люкс
БОГАТОЕ НАСЛЕДИЕ: Coach была основана в 1941 году как семейная мастерская. Теперь значительно расширившись, Coach продолжает поддерживать самые высокие стандарты в отношении материалов и качества изготовления. Исключительная рабочая сила Coach по-прежнему привержена тщательному соблюдению принципов качества и честности, которые определяют компанию. Бренду Coach присуще уникальное сочетание оригинального американского стиля и дизайна высококачественных изделий из кожи и тканей на заказ и долговечности продукции, а также приверженности обслуживанию клиентов...