Поменять масло в коробке легко? Вроде бы ничего сложного - отдал в сто, поменяли - поехал. Но есть ряд нюансов, которые водители не учитывают и сталкиваются с проблемами после неправильной замены масла...
A long caterpillar and a new character Most mountain car drivers believe that a mountain snowmobile should be equipped with a two-cylinder two-stroke engine with a capacity of at least 800 cubic centimeters. High power density is one of the keys to the success of the model, and it is difficult to disagree with this. With a 162-inch track, the new Viper MTX LE 162 is designed for deep snow driving. The M-TX 162 is powered by a three-cylinder four-stroke 1049cc Genesis engine with an electronic injection system...