3 прочтения · 1 месяц назад
Чтобы помнили: предупреждающие индикаторы на приборной панели
Американский производитель автокресел Diono недавно поручил исследовательской компании Journo Requests выяснить, насколько жители США и Канады понимают значение предупреждающих индикаторов на приборных панелях своих автомобилей. В опросе приняли участие две тысячи водителей, которым задали ряд вопросов для оценки их способности распознавать и реагировать на различные символы на приборных панелях. Результаты оказались тревожными. Чуть более 50% опрошенных считают предупреждающие сигналы непонятными и не уверены, что они означают...
5 месяцев назад
The first remote air traffic control tower went into operation in Sweden The control tower is an integral and very important part of any airport around the world, but thanks to the specialists from Saab, one control tower can now remotely serve several airports. The first remote dispatch center has already begun its work. It serves the airport of Ornskoldsvik in Sweden, located at a distance of 100 kilometers from it. This is made possible thanks to the new Saab Remote Tower System, which is installed in the control room. To operate the Remote Tower System technology, a fairly wide range of various electronic equipment is used. A large number of high-resolution video cameras, microphones and weather sensors are installed at the airfield itself. All information is transmitted via network channels to the control room. The control room has circular screens that broadcast what is happening at the airfield in real time. All this is accompanied by an audio track and broadcast of other information coming from various sensors. Thanks to this, the remote work of a dispatcher is practically no different from working directly at the airport. The Remote Tower System has already been approved by the Swedish government and has been installed to serve airports in two small cities. In addition, testing of the system is also being carried out at airports in Norway and Australia, Gizmag reports. First of all, the Remote Tower System will be installed near small cities to cover several airports that have a limited budget. In addition, Saab specialists report that the system is easily expandable and the control room can be easily expanded. The use of such a system immediately raises many security issues. Saab experts claim that the Remote Tower System uses many backup communication channels to transmit data, and if one of the cameras fails, the others will be able to block its field of view. The developers claim that the probability of some equipment failure on a remote tower is no greater than the probability of equipment failure in a regular control room. However, in any case, it is difficult to imagine what will happen if for some moment most of the electronics in the innovation system fail. If you've read the article this far please like and subscribe - it really helps the channel. Open the link to find thousands of interesting articles: https://wwwww.youtube.com/...ityytyt3.ggpht.com/...-v1