5 лет назад
The analysis. Electric obsession, the paradox of the car
Monstrous investments and dozens of new models coming in, but the market is not ready. But manufacturers don't stop: that's why The car no longer speaks of aesthetics, nor of style or speed. Electrification has been the watchword for at least a couple of years, but if until recently it was a hypothesis or a little more, now it seems that there is nothing else in the minds of manufacturers. At the Paris Motor Show, which closed on Sunday after ten days of (little) passion and (much) perplexity, it is impossible to take a step without running into a battery-operated car...
3,7K прочтений · 5 лет назад
6 признаков неисправности АКПП Пежо 307
Наиболее распространенными и часто встречающимися причинами поломки АКПП AL4 являются следующие: 1. Шумы в АКПП при переходе в режимы работы D и R. Причина: поломка ГТР. Способы решения проблемы: ремонт...