5 лет назад
Which car is more suitable for young people? Regal VS Accord. The second part.
Interior contrast. Compared to the more drastic changes in appearance, the designers of the two cars are much more cautious in the interior. The design concept of the embracing center console has always been the main feature of the universal model. The purpose is to create a sense of protection and thoughtfulness for the occupants. Such design and positioning are in line with the positioning of the new Regal. One detail is worth noting. After the new Regal front door is opened, the air outlets...
192 читали · 4 года назад
Не работает бензонасос хонда!
Реле на 7 контактов! Обычно серая коробочка с надписью main. Причина можна быть как в отказе самого насоса, обрыва цепи питания и сгоревшего предохранителя. После проверки предохранителя насоса и проводки на предмет обрыва цепи питания, необходимо проверить реле топливного насоса (main реле)...