How was Elizabeth II's only visit to Russia
1 State visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Russia, October 19, 1994 The arrival of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain is certainly an extremely important event. According to the protocol, Her Majesty can make an official visit to another state only once, all subsequent trips are considered ordinary trips. Since her coronation in 1952, Elizabeth II has visited several dozen countries, but she was in no hurry to come to Russia for a long time. There were several reasons for this. Firstly, the relations of the British royal family with our country noticeably cooled after the revolution of 1918...
2 года назад
Far from the passive, politically detached monarch she is often painted as, Victoria was a driving force in making Britain a leading world power When Victoria ascended the throne, the monarchy was in a precarious position. Radicalists had grown in strength throughout the 18th and early 19th centuries, many of them calling for an end to the Crown. Meanwhile in Europe and its colonies, republicanism had taken hold, first with the American Revolution and then with the French. The power of the British...