«Paris in Panama / Paris en Panama : Robert Lewis and the History of His Restored Art Works in the National Theatre of Panam» Book Description This fascinating bilingual book describes for the first time in print, the incredible story of the history and restoration of Roberto Lewis’ (1874-1949) masterpieces in the National Theatre in Panama. Lewis, who was born in Panama created his monumental works of art on canvas while living in Paris and brought them to Panama in 1907 for installation in the new theatre, an Italian opera house on the shore of the Pacific Ocean, not far from the Panama Canal. Thefully illustrated and thoroughly researched book places Lewis within the context of Belle Epoque France. Additional chapters document the four year art restoration process. Short biographies on artists from France and Panama give depth to this international story of artistic creation, declared by UNESCO in 1997 as Cultural Heritage of Mankind. Included are copies of the original contracts, newspaper articles, and drawings by Lewis for his murals. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Paris in Panama / Paris en Panama : Robert Lewis and the History of His Restored Art Works in the National Theatre of Panam. Напишите свою рецензию о книге «Paris in Panama / Paris en Panama : Robert Lewis and the History of His Restored Art Works in the National Theatre of Panam» http://izbe.ru/book/112268-paris-in-panama-paris-en-panama-robert-lewis-and-the-history-of-his-restored-art-works-in-the-national-theatre-of-panam/
Все детали здесь В Панама-Сити появился новый аттракцион, который понравится любителям экстрима или тем, кто ищет способ взглянуть на Панама-Сити под другим углом. Все детали здесь Недавно на вершине 37-этажного здания на Авенида Бальбоа открылся новый аттракцион POIN Panama. Это действительно уникальный способ провести свободное время для посетителей Панамской Республики. Все детали здесь Здесь вы сможете не только насладиться прекрасным видом на горизонт с 37-го этажа, но и постоять на первой...