Я иду долиной (на стихи Сергея Есенина)
Окрестности с. Константиново - малая родина Есенина. На днях исполнилось 125 лет со дня рождения Сергея Есенина. Творчество этого поэта близко каждому русскому сердцу. Многие стихи Есенина положены на музыку...
7 лет назад
С.А. Есенин - Я Иду Долиной
And the river with wide flow pours blue water. I am a reckless guy and I need nothing from life. Just to listen to songs and sing them by heart, Just let the light coldness flow to please me fine then, And my young spine be firm as long as it can. I'll go to the road, then step to the hill feet - How many there are men and women so bright! Something's whispered by rakes, something's whistled by scythes... "Hey, the poet, listen, weak you are or not? Ground is far sweeter than the dreaming in sky...