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Le théâtre
Le théâtre est un art qui a pour but de représenter en un lieu défini la nature humaine dans ses actions, ses pensées, ses grandeurs ou ses bassesses, en procurant au spectateur une émotion directe. Le mot théâtre vient du grec theatron, “théâtre”, qui dérive du verbe theaomai, signifiant “contempler, considérer, être spectateur (au théâtre), passer en revue”. L’accent à l’origine est donc mis sur les spectateurs d’abord, le lieu ensuite. Le théâtre est défini par ceux qui regardent dans un certain lieu...
3 года назад
Smoking is a habit that meets many of the criteria that define an addiction. For some smokers, it provides a relief from anxiety and tension, but for others, it becomes a physical and psychological burden. people who smoke do not only damage thier own health, but also harm others. For instance, a pregnant woman who smokes harms her unborn child; children exposed to smoke have more respiratory illnesses; a person who suffers from a heart disease may be adversely...
3 года назад
Es bueno tener mucho dinero?
En principio, el dinero es la cosa que las personas usan cada día pero al mismo tiempo pensamos sí es bueno tener mucho dinero o no es necesario para la vida feliz. En primer lugar, hay que decir que sin dinero no podemos hacer muchas cosas, por ejemplo, comprar la comida, viajar, ir al cine o comprar la ropa. En todas las situaciónes tenemos que pagar para obtenerlo. En suma, es imposible vivir sin ropa y comida. Tambien, para asegurar las condiciónes comodas de la existencia tenemos el dinero para construir, reparar, equipar nuestras casas, apartamientos y coches...
3 года назад
Le cinéma
C’est en 1895 que les frères Lumière, inventeurs du cinématographe, donnèrent à Paris la première séance publique de projection. Dès 1896, Georges Méliés mettait au point les règles techniques essentielles de la cinématographie tandis qu’Emile Cohl réalisait les premiers dessins animés. Aujourd’hui le cinéma est partout, il est connu de tous. Projetés sur le grand écran des salles ou les petits écrans familiaux , les films attirent les spectateurs par dizaines de millions. Le cinéma est un art...
3 года назад
La médecine
La médecine est une science qui s’occupe de la santé de l’Homme. C’est une des plus anciennes sciences car l’humanité a essayé de soigner depuis son aube. Bien sûr que la médecine de nos jours n’est pas celle de l’Homme primitif. L’Humanité a traversé une longue route de son évolution. Et la médecine connaît beaucoup de choses à l’heure actuelle mais Il n’en reste pas moins un tas de mystères non découverts. Maintenant la médecine est appuyée par d’innombrables sciences qui l’aident, par exemple l'écologie humaine qui explique plusieurs raisons de la mortalité et la morbidité de l’Homme...
3 года назад
Es posible vivir sin pareja?
Ahora dicen que muchas personas quieren vivir solas, sin pareja. Es posible a causa del ritmo de vida actual que es muy rapido. En mi opinion, cada persona tiene su opción. Por un lado, vivir sin pareja es mas confortable porque no tienes la responsabilidad para una otra persona. No tienes que compartir las cosas y pensar en sus problemas. Por otro lado, cuando estas solo es bastante aburrido a veces. No hay nadie que pueda hablar contigo y discutir las noticias. Es mejor vivir con la persona que puede comprenderte...
3 года назад
Postindustrial culture
This article is about the postindustrial culture which is being formed in some countries. With the transition to more advanced computer technologies and the basic principles of the social organisation to provide everyone with various social benefits, it will be easier to increase the social mobility of the people and to lessen the social strain in the society. It is clear that nothing disappears in the culture but remains in the family sphere, in social or religious groups. A number of serious social matters linked with global communication have been resolved...
3 года назад
Body image in contemporary media
Nowadays body image which relates to a person’s perceptions, feelings and thoughts about his or her body, is widely used in different kinds of media as it holds a very important place and is used frequently in our daily lives. Many people have concerns about their body image. These concerns often focus on weight, skin, hair, or the shape or size of a certain body part. Body image can be negative when a person feels ashamed and may feel that others are more attractive or positive when a person accepts his or her body regardless of appearance, gender, size and physical ability...
3 года назад
What are proteins?
Protein is a class of complex nitrogenous compounds composed of amono acids. Human proteins are formed in the body from amino acids derived from the digestion of protein-containing foods or from amino acids manufactured by the body. Proteins are formed from about 20 different amino acids, synthesize most of these. A total of eight essential amino acids cannot be made by the body, and so they must be obtained from the diet...
3 года назад
What do we know about fat?
Fat is one of the three kinds of energy-giving food in the diet. Fat are an extremely rich source of energy with a calorie content of about 255 calories per ounce (9 calories per gram)/ This is twice as much as provided by the other foods (proteins and carbohydrates). The most common fat-containing foods are butter, cream, eggs, fatty meats, margarine, oily fish and vegetable oils. So, what are the functions of fats in the body's metabolism? Most fats are burned up (oxidized) to produce energy (in addition to carbon dioxide and water)...
3 года назад
What do we know about fasting?
Fasting is deliberate abstinence from food over a period of time. It is a medical requirement for some gastrointestinal examinations, for example, fluoroscopy and X-ray studies, blood tests, for example, a glucose tolerance test, and before a general anesthetic. The fast required is generally 8 to 12 hours. Fasting is a requirement in some religious rites; it is also used as a means of political or social protest. Some people fast as a means of loosing weight rapidly, but this method is not recommended because it can result in various health disorders...
3 года назад