2 подписчика
Dear friends! I welcome you to my 2-days master class “Elegant mousse cakes” in Abu Dhabi, OAE on September, 6-7. The organization studio is @foodartuae
⠀The class menu:
⠀ 1“Moccachino”: chocolate almond sponge, the crunch layer, coffee cremeaux, chocolate cremeaux, dark chocolate mousse.
2 “Honey cake”: honey sponge, lingonberry layer, sour cream, sable base
3. Individual cakes “Raspberry lychee sakura“: pan de genes sponge, raspberry-lychee jelly, raspberry mousse, white chocolate mousse with sakura
4 “Banana milkshake”: joconde sponge, caramelized bananas, almond cremeaux, tonka cream cheese mousse.
5 “Snickers”: chocolate sponge, salted caramel-toffee, roasted peanuts, almond nougat mousse, milk chocolate mousse.
6 “Caramel pear”: hazelnut sponge, crunchy layer, pear compote, caramel mousse
7. Mirror glaze, velour, nappage.
8. Chocolate decorations
Около минуты
29 августа 2019