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Just imagine: you are in Florence, living in a luxurious suite at Portrait Firenze hotel from @lungarnocollection overlooking the Ponte Vecchio ✨ Sounds like a good plan for holidays, isn’t it?

Просто представь: ты во Флоренции, живешь в роскошном люксе в отеле Portrait Firenze из линейки @lungarnocollection с видом на знаменитый мостик Понте Веккьо ✨ Похоже на неплохой план для отпуска, не правда ли?😉
Just imagine: you are in Florence, living in a luxurious suite at Portrait Firenze hotel from @lungarnocollection overlooking the Ponte Vecchio ✨ Sounds like a good plan for holidays, isn’t it?
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