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Visit of Professor Chuanli Zhou (Qingdao, China) to Uzbekistan



On October 1, 2024, Professor Chuanli Zhou, one of the world's leading specialists in spinal endoscopic surgery, arrived in Uzbekistan to perform surgeries and read lectures. He was met at the airport by neurosurgeon Dr. Madaminjon Tursunov and the director of "Chinobod Fayz Plus" hospital, Khurshidbek Rayimjonov. The collaborative activities were conducted in the cities of Andijan and Tashkent, encompassing surgeries and lectures for medical professionals.

1. Surgeries at "Chinobod Fayz Plus" Hospital (October 2)

The first surgery took place at the private "Chinobod Fayz Plus" hospital in Andijan, which specializes in neurosurgery and spinal endoscopic surgery.

Patient 1: Abdurakhmonov Ikromjon

  • Diagnosis: L4-L5 disc herniation.
  • Surgery: Endoscopic discectomy using the interlaminar approach (EndoSurg Unintech method).
  • Assistant: Zokirjonov Mukhammadyusuf.

Professor Zhou explained the steps of the surgery in detail, including the use of a reamer for laminotomy. The surgery was successful.


Patient 2: Kirgizova M., 78 years old

  • Diagnosis: Central spinal stenosis at L2-L3 and L5-S1, with comorbidities (diabetes, coronary heart disease, obesity).
  • Surgery: ULBD EndoSurg decompression at two levels.
  • Assistant: Tursunov Furqat.

The surgery lasted 100 minutes, significantly faster than usual for such complexity (previously, similar surgeries took around two to three hours for two levels).


Patient 3: Nuriddinova R., born in 1968

  • Diagnosis: L4-L5 disc herniation with central spinal stenosis.
  • Surgery: ULBDD (Unilateral lumbar bilateral decompression and discectomy).

The surgery lasted 40 minutes. Professor Zhou demonstrated the technique for protecting neural structures during the discectomy and performed the visualization and removal of the contralateral hernia by removing the base of the spinous process.


Patient 4: Abdulbokiev U., born in 1976

  • Diagnosis: High-migrating L4-L5 disc herniation.
  • Surgery: Endoscopic discectomy using the interlaminar approach (EndoSurg method).
  • Operator: Madaminjon Tursunov (under the supervision of Professor Zhou). The surgery was successful, with Professor Zhou guiding each step.

Patient 5: Abdullaev I., born in 1996

  • Diagnosis: L3-L4 disc herniation with left-sided pain syndrome.
  • Surgery: Endoscopic discectomy using the transforaminal approach.
  • Assistant: Rayimjonov Khurshidbek.

Professor Zhou highlighted the advantages of the transforaminal approach, particularly for removing large central herniations without nerve root traction.


2. Visit to Andijan State Medical Institute (October 3)

Professor Zhou was warmly welcomed by the rector of the institute, Professor Madamin Muminovich Madazimov, as well as the vice-rector for international affairs, F. Rasulov, and the head of the department of traumatology and neurosurgery, Professor K. T. Khudayberdiev.

Rector of Andijan State medical institute prof. M. Madazimov, prof. Ch. Zhou, prof. K.T. Khudayberdiev
Rector of Andijan State medical institute prof. M. Madazimov, prof. Ch. Zhou, prof. K.T. Khudayberdiev
  • Professor Zhou delivered a lecture on the topic: "EndoSurg: Philosophy of the Third Generation and Clinical Application of Spinal Endoscopic Technology," which attracted great interest from the attending doctors, graduate students, and students.
  • The potential for further cooperation, exchange of experience, and joint training of medical personnel was discussed, along with possible collaborative research projects.

3. Seminar in Tashkent (October 4)

A seminar was held at the National Practical Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics in Tashkent, attended by leading specialists from Uzbekistan, including the country's chief vertebrologist, Professor Sh.Sh. Shotursunov, and doctors from various regions.

  • Professor Zhou delivered lectures on the topics: "Breakthrough Solutions in Endoscopy: Third Generation Technology" and "Modern Endoscopic Techniques in Spinal Fusion: Endo-TLIF and Endo-PTLIF." These lectures sparked lively discussions and many questions from the audience.
  • Professor Zhou also performed a surgery using the Endo ULBD and Endo-TLIF methods at one of the private hospitals in Tashkent on a patient diagnosed with L4-L5 spondylolisthesis. This was the first time such a surgery had been performed in Uzbekistan using endoscopic techniques, and it was successful.


We hope that Professor Zhou's visit will have a significant impact on the development of neurosurgery in Uzbekistan, demonstrating the latest endoscopic techniques, training local doctors, and establishing strong scientific and professional connections that will contribute to further fruitful collaboration.