Mass media. Everyone knows this word. Everyone uses this word. Everyone hears this word. Novadays, it is hard to imagine our life without media. Major part of the information we get goes from there: news, gossips, and more.
But does everybody actually know what kinds of mass media we have and their characteristics?!
TRADITIONAL MEDIA: These are the traditional forms of communication that existed before the advent of digital technologies.
Folk art forms is the example of traditional media.
- The performer can make changes in the content according to the level of the audience.
- The contents are simple and familiar.
- People never get tired of them.
- The performances are spontaneous and most often made on the spot.
NEW MEDIA: These are forms of media that have emerged or evolved in the digital age.
They include a wide range of communication technologies and platforms that have changed the way information is created, consumed, and interacted with.
- Instagram Facebook, Twitter, Social networks;
- video sharing platforms (YouTube, TikTok);
- streaming services (Netflix, Spotify);
- online news portals.
Interactivity. Unlike traditional media, new ones allow two-way communication.
Instantaneity. New media provides instant access to information.
Global reach. The Internet allows you to share and consume content with people from all over the world.
PRINT MEDIA: It is every type of printed material that provides people with information through words and/or photographs.
Major forms of print media are:
Newsparer is a periodical containing written information about current events and often printed in black ink on a white or gray background. Newspapers can cover a wide range of fields such as politics, business, sports, and the arts, and often include materials such as opinion columns, weather forecasts, local service reviews, birth notices, crosswords, cartoons, comics.
Magazines usually contain topics like current affairs, business, women, children, finance, gadgets, photography, science and technology, education, career, health, luxury, life style, beauty, fashion, entertainment and travel.
Book is a means of recording information in writing or in the form of images, usually consisting of many pages stapled together and protected by a cover. It can also be a handwritten or printed work of fiction or journalism, usually on sheets of paper stapled together or stapled together in a cover.
ELECTRONIC MEDIA: These are tools that use electronics or electromechanical tools to access content.
The main electronic media include:
video recordings;
audio recordings;
multimedia presentations;
slide presentations;
Electronic media can also include any equipment used in the process of electronic communication (for example, television, radio, telephone).
- The technology of these media is changing at a very fast pace due to frequent technological upgradations.
- The programmes in radio and television are available over the day.
- Satellite transmission makes electronic media programmes instantly available over a wide geographical area.
- You need to have some technical knowledge to use electronic media.