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Максим Поляков

The Dust Bowl

Hello everyone! TodaI want to tell you about "The Dust Bowl". It is one of the biggest natural disasters that happened in the world.

It takes place in Usa. That time was one of the worst times America ever seen. The economy was crushed by the Great Depression, people were without any jobs and became homeless for many years.


That wasn't only thing that harmed people. There were a lot of dust storms that were happening in states. A lot of droughts came to the ground of the USA. After hundrets dust storms it became a real problem that is called "The Dust Bowl"


Even the clouds were black because of dust. Many farmers had to leave their homes because of that. All of their crops were absolutely destroyes. Many animals were brutally killed by the dust.


Some of the people who stayed there had to wear special clothes that protect their faces. It was a horrible thing to see. Around 500000 americans became homeless in one day.


Another horrible thing to see was "Dust pneumonia". People were breathing dust even through spesial clothes. It was the time when people couldn't do anything to ilnesses like that.


"Dust bowl" affected to 5 different states. Texax was the worst place to stay during that time. There is no direct information about how many people died but some websites say around 300000. Also "Dust Bowl" lead to droughts which were absolutely terrible


There is nothing you can do about situations like this. You may not worry about this happening to you because there are a few of them in history. But I can say that you should immediately leave the place where you live.